
boston red sox mlb jersey

boston red sox mlb jersey -

A global corporate citizen is an entity which engages as an equal with governments, and is thus privy to certain social rights and responsibilities. Global corporate citizenship is a framework boston red sox mlb jersey through which the emerging role of multinational corporations can be defined.

The Self-Interested Role of Global Corporate Citizens

Global Corporate Citizenship is the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World boston red sox mlb jersey Economic Forum. A corporation has traditionally only been beholden to its shareholders in the form of company profits, market share, and growth. However, as certain corporations have grown far beyond their the boundaries of their birth countries, with annual profits exceeding many countries' GDPs, it becomes clear that in order to adequately meet the long-term growth desires of shareholders, global corporate citizens also have an vested interest in the stability, security, and increased prosperity of populations all around the globe. For instance, global philanthropy, involved with bringing populations up to the point where they can take part in the global economy, is actually a sound business decision for global boston red sox mlb jersey corporate citizens.

